Refreshing dated and dreary floors shouldn’t be a daunting proposition, and with NNV on your side, you’ll have the confidence to deal with Strata and Body Corporate regulations from a position of strength.
When proposing new hard floor installations, it’s important to comply with confusing and sometimes stringent criteria.
National Noise & Vibration has extensive experience in successful hard floor installation compliance through conducting thorough and diligent pre-installation investigations combined with utilising in-house techniques, data library and highly regarded acoustic modelling software.
Engaging NNV to conduct your pre-installation hard floor impact isolation test means you’re armed with the confidence and knowledge that your proposed flooring system will meet the required standards.
To ensure flooring systems are acoustically performing as intended, NNV can provide a post-installation certification status with clear and defined performance metrics of the existing installation.
Outdated and subjective strata by-laws can create drawn out headaches for both residents and strata managers.
NNV helps body corporate and strata schemes update ineffective acoustic by-law provisions creating objective and measurable goals that provide a simple process for all owner/occupiers when looking to change flooring or deal with noise complaints